- Software Solutions Architect (GIS | Data Engineering | Big Data) at IMGS in Dublin, Ireland
- Senior Software Engineer at Dubli,Inc. Dubai, UAE
- Senior Software Engineer at GrameenPhone,Bangladesh
- Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) on (ASP.NET)
- Completed MSc. and BSc. in Computer Science & Engineering from IU
- Member of Bangladesh Computer Council
- Worked as Software Engineer at Moët Hennessy USA
- WOrked as Software Engineer at Brain Station-23
About Me:
Hi, I’m Mr. Rafiqzzaman, my nick name is Liton
I am an IT Professional specially software (including web technology) & database design,development and implementation.
Having Five Years of professional experiences, Microsoft Certified Technologist Specialist (MCTS) .
I have gained a vast knowledge which I can exercise in my business as a whole to build a full fledged
IT Industry following the industry best practices at the age.
Key Expertise:
Mostly Microsoft Technologies – specifically .NET: ASP.NET, MVC, razor view, C# ,
XML, jQuery, AJAX,JSON, LINQ, Entity Framework, Web Services, Remoting, SQL Server,
SharePoint-2010, Sql-server, MySQL, PHP.